Capturing Autumn
Making time to pick up my camera and capture nature's details is one of my favourite things to do. Autumn is such a wonderful time to capture the colours changing, to discover details in plants I've never spotted before and to document the changing landscape of plants around me. Taking photos of plants is a way that I can express my creativity, to escape from what I am doing day to day, and for me it is a meditative activity that enables me to connect to nature and to appreciate the details. Over the past few weeks I've captured the colours and details of Autumn...
The cyclamen that were planted last year are growing and flowering in our garden...
Delicate berries in a tree...
Autumnal leaves resting on cobbles that I pass everyday on my walk to the train station...
Capturing photos of leaves with details to appreciate and make a note of. I love the contrasting colours here and the leaf structure that can be seen so clearly...
These pink antirrhinums are grown from seed this year are still blooming in our garden. A nasturtium in the background was also grown from seed and has since had its leaves harvested for nasturtium leaf pesto...
A thick carpet of leaves captured near Bristol Harbourside on a Saturday stroll...
The gorgeous red leaves of the small blueberry bushes in our garden...
Home grown fennel seed heads drying out in our kitchen ready to use...
Looking at these photos I feel that I can connect back to the moment when I took each of them. Remembering the weather, how I felt, the smells and what was going on around me. I love that these images capture the past few weeks of Autumn and gently nod to the changes in nature happening at this time of year.