Review of Thrive :: My One Little Word 2017


An end of year review...these seem so very popular now for us bloggers, a time to reflect and look back with positivity and want for improvement in the year ahead. I hope that you will find this end of year review a little different than others. The way that I reflect on life is really personal to me and one that I have been sculpting for a few years now. As you may already know I have a word of the year and since 2013 I've used this word to set intentions through the year to help me see how I've progressed.Helping me connect to my word is a fabulous online class run by the inspiring and talented Ali Edwards, called One Little Word, that I've been doing since 2013 too. Since January 2016 I've created seasonal manifestos for each season too, that connect me to the rhythms of nature and my word of the year, providing a regular opportunities to check in. For me this review will be a positive review of what I've done, there's plenty of things that I could have done but I want to identify all those great things that I have done. My word for 2017 was Thrive, this time last year I felt it was time for me to really step things up and deliver with a bit more gusto and passion. In reality Thrive didn't quite pan out as I had envisaged. I had hoped and expected myself to be able to deliver a bigger impact with the word behind me, but for me Thrive has felt a quiet and slow word. I've thrived in a way I didn't imagine and it surprised me.

...I chose to thrive and say no to a job offer and choose redundancy to allow me to grow and thrive in a way that wouldn't have been available to me in the environment I was in.

...I chose to be brave and thrive outside of my comfort zone and move industry and company

...I chose to say yes to a job and work somewhere new that connects to my values and ethics enabling me to thrive each day

...I am thriving and connecting to my purpose in my day job and be in a role where I can set up what I do from scratch and make an impact that ultimately fuels me

...I chose to be resilient and thrive during challenging work days and keep going during the overwhelm in a new industry

...I connected with my thoughts each season to open up my heart in a different way to enable me to thrive

...I began to thrive more and connect to my passion for gardening

...I learnt how to thrive in my own way and fall in love with a puppy

...I am thriving by connecting the dots of my passions and taking a slow approach to setting up my business on the side of my week

...I'm thriving each time I take a photo I adore and am slowly building a set of photos to print out for each season to hang on our walls.

...I'm thriving by keeping this space a little different and as a space I really appreciate and has always been about sharing and having the opportunity to make time for creativity.

...I feel quite blessed that I can Thrive in what I choose to do and that I get to continue to have the two sides to me, work that feels that it is a puzzle piece in my life that warms my heart and is as purposeful as I can make it now. And a side of me that wants to coach gradually. I feel comforted with the knowing that I have a paid job, the comfort of knowing that in time I will have a small and well formed business that I’m starting where I coach people and also have huge respect for those that are doing one or the other. At the moment I have my balance that I’m after.